Climate Friendly Travel
Geoffrey Lipman, SUNx Co-founder info@thesunprogram.com
Buiksloterham, a polluted former dockyard in Amsterdam, has become a laboratory for new environmental ideas for reusing and regenerating every element of human life.
This is Buiksloterham in Amsterdam, once a thriving port - now a polluted old dockyard close to the centre of the city. An industrial wasteland being reborn as a 21st century laboratory for the circular economy.
Discover the radical thinking and powerful personalities tackling issues of life and death – and everything in between. Global Compass searches for the key to solving some of the world’s biggest and most challenging problems – and reveals how one powerful idea can become the dynamo for change across the globe.
Read this excellent article (This article was originally published on www.bitc.org.uk ) from Metabolic here
Visit the De Ceuval website here
Region: Europe
Country: Holland