Climate Friendly Travel
Geoffrey Lipman, SUNx Co-founder info@thesunprogram.com
Following global concern about the effect of deforestation on climate change the United Nations and World Bank began pushing REDD - a solution to reduce the emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. The present focus of REDD is to get money for forest protection by quantifying emissions reductions from not cutting down forests and then selling forest carbon credits on a carbon market. Polluting companies or industrial countries who need to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions will then buy these credits so they can continue emitting greenhouse gases. This means lots of profit for middlemen and traders, but very little for the people who live in the forests.
To see FERN's follow up animation please visit: www.fern.org/storyofFLEGT
For more information visit: www.fern.org/thestoryofREDD
Source: Fern NGO
Region: Europe
Country: England