Climate Friendly Travel
Geoffrey Lipman, SUNx Co-founder info@thesunprogram.com
The price of paradise? - A series of articles by The Guardian
A series investigating the environmental impact of tourism in the Pacific and how new approaches can make a difference.
FIND the Series here
Flying hurts the planet but it’s vital for island tourism. Is there a greener way? by Dr Susanne Becken
Short hops and economy class: five expert tips on how to reduce your emissions on holiday - by Pete McKenzie
Paradise divided: French Polynesia wrestles with lure of mass cruise tourism - by Pete Mckenzie & Tiare Tuuhia
‘First line of defence’: mangroves – and mitigation - lost in Fiji’s tourism development - by Pete McKenzie & Sera Sefeti
Paradise cost: the Pacific islands changing the future of tourism - by Tiare Tuuhia & Virginia Harrison