China Policy webpage and China Country profile - Carbon Brief Analysis webpages

Posted On Monday, 18 March 2024 09:18
Carbon Brief Country Profile China Carbon Brief Country Profile China

China Policy webpage and China Country profile - Carbon Brief Analysis webpages

A collection of excellent analysis articles and interviews to understand the policy of one of the biggest CO2 emitters and a country with one of the biggest populations and economies - spanning huge expanses of extremely varied regions and climates.

Find the Carbon Brief China Policy Webpage here

As part of a series on how key emitters are responding to climate change, Carbon Brief looks at China, which leads the world in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and coal use – but also on the deployment and manufacture of low-carbon technologies.

Find Carbon Brief Country Profile on China here

Find the Carbon Brief Country Profiles webpage here

Visit Carbon Brief website here

Find Carbon Brief's China Briefing here


Related Reading and Studies on Tourism and China

High Temperatures and Tourism: Findings from China - 2023 Study to be found here

Climate risk perception and adaptation of tourism sector in China  - 2022 Study to be found here

New Report: Promoting a Sustainable Future for China’s Travel Industry -  Read a press release here  and download 2023 “The path toward eco-friendly travel in China” PDF here


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Climate Friendly Travel



Geoffrey Lipman, SUNx Co-founder

