Climate Friendly Travel
Geoffrey Lipman, SUNx Co-founder info@thesunprogram.com
Institute of Tourism video of online launch of the TPCC 2023 first tourism climate change stocktake report and its key findings.
After a year of research and extensive international collaborations by over 60 leading tourism and climate scientists and experts, the first TPCC Stocktake Report on the state of tourism and the climate crisis has been completed.
Speakers will include Stocktake Research Directors, Professors Daniel Scott (University of Waterloo, Canada) and Susanne Becken (Griffiths University, Australia), as well as Professor Paul Peeters (Netherlands), Associate Professor Ya Yen Sun (Australia), Dr Anu Lama (Nepal), and Dr Api Movono (Fiji). Presentations will be followed by a Q&A, moderated by Professor Geoffrey Lipman, SUNx – Strong Universal Network. The Stocktake Report and its 24
Findings are available for download from www.tpcc.info .