Nature For All

Posted On Friday, 31 March 2017 11:31

Taking “Inspiring a New Generation” to the next level.

Nature for All

From initial seeds planted at the 2008 World Conservation Congress (WCC) in Barcelona, to resolutions at WCC Jeju 2012, and a thematic stream at the 2014 IUCN World Parks Congress (WPC) in 2014, the call to Inspire a New Generation (ING) is strongly resonating with the conservation community. A global movement is taking root.

Since WPC Sydney, the joint CEC-WCPA commissions have been tasked with strategically defining and delivering on the initiative.

In the process of developing the program, there were many discussions with various constituencies and stakeholders, which highlighted a number of challenges in bringing ING to life. One of these challenges include that ING is a meaningless term for the external audiences and that there is often confusion about what “New Generation” refers to, and often interpreted as only youth.

As a result, the joint CEC-WCPA Task Force recommended that ING evolves to #NatureForAll from 2016. This name has had unanimous support from a selection of partners and test focus groups.

Nature for All Collage

We invite you to read our vision, framework, and expected outputs for #NatureForAll

#NatureForAll Vision

Every movement has a statement of strong beliefs - a vision - that guides its approach. This is ours.

Imagine a world in harmony and in love with nature…

In which all are aware of the values of a healthy planet.

In which all can experience the earth’s natural wonders.

In which all are connected to thriving ecosystems, contributing to them and benefiting from all they have to offer.

In which all have conservation in their hearts and minds. #NatureForAll is a global movement to inspire a new generation of thinkers and doers across all sectors of society to connect with nature and take action to support its conservation.

At the core is a very simple idea: the more people experience, connect with, and share their love for nature, the more support there will be for its conservation. While many of us already respect and appreciate nature, studies have shown that many others, whether through circumstance, lifestyle, or opportunity, face barriers to experiencing and connecting with the natural world. Yet, nature needs support and action from all of us. Change is needed.

We believe that personal experiences in nature, at any age but particularly when young, are the foundation for lifelong commitments to its conservation. We believe that to reach new audiences, we need to invite people into nature through new, innovative and meaningful ways that nurture deep love and respect. We believe in partnerships and creating new champions for conservation so that our efforts are part of a greater, coordinated whole.

We believe in embracing technology as a powerful tool for positive change; in being fun, creative, and social; in sharing our passion for nature; and in empowering future leaders. We believe that nature is everywhere – in our cities and national parks – and that everyone is welcome to experience it.

We believe in #NatureForAll. And we believe we need to act now. Recognising that no single organisation can achieve this vision alone, we ask you — our IUCN family and beyond — to join this movement and spark the change:

  • To raise AWARENESS and motivate people from all walks of life to embrace nature and its values.
  • To facilitate opportunities for all to EXPERIENCE and CONNECT with nature.
  • To create transformational moments that become pathways to lifelong personal connections and commitments to CONSERVATION action.

#NatureForAll Framework The mechanics of this movement, bringing the vision to life through goals, pillars, and projects.

Nature for All Pillars

This is shared courtesy of IUCN


Source: IUCN

Region: Global


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Climate Friendly Travel



Geoffrey Lipman, SUNx Co-founder

