BiciMAD. The Public Bike Rental Service in Madrid

Posted On Wednesday, 04 November 2020 15:53

BiciMAD. The Public Bike Rental Service in Madrid

BiciMAD. The public bike rental service in Madrid is Madrid's new public transport service. It is supplied by 100% electric bicycles: clean, healthy and sustainable method of transport. This service is available for all citizens and visitors to the city of Madrid.

The service includes 2,500 electric bikes distributed among 208 stations. The station consists of a Totem (CIC) which is the center of interaction with the rider and the anchors for the placement of the bikes. Withdrawal bicycle anchoring is done by validating the card issuing totem.

Public bicycle service is subject to a facility approved by the City Council of Madrid rates which include insurance covering any mishap during use. The hours of operation are continuously for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

You can read the full article on Accessible Madrid


Source: Accessible Madrid

Region: Europe

Country: Spain

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Geoffrey Lipman, SUNx Co-founder

