Green Industry Platform

Posted On Sunday, 13 June 2021 00:10

Green Industry Platform

At the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), governments explicitly recognised that a green economy is a powerful means of fostering economic development while preserving the natural assets on which our well-being relies. Achieving this economic transformation requires an exceptional scaling up of collaboration and the collective effort of the policy, business, and finance communities. The Green Growth Knowledge Partnership is uniquely positioned to take on this challenge. The initiative is led by five leading intergovernmental organisations (Global Green Growth Institute, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, UN Environment, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, and the World Bank) and now reflects the largest global community of organisations and experts dedicated to a sustainable economic transformation.


Under the GGKP Strategic Plan and Work Programme (2018-2021), the Green Growth Knowledge Partnership is scaling its activities in two important ways. The first is expanding its successful approach of supporting collaborative knowledge generation, management, and sharing to other key stakeholder groups: the industry and finance communities. Like the initial policy platform, the new platforms provide these respective communities with the latest knowledge, information, best practices, and data. Second, the Green Growth Knowledge Platform builds on this knowledge foundation to facilitate an online expert exchange. The expert exchange allows policy, industry, and finance actors to apply their collective intelligence in the pursuit of green growth. Members of these communities are able to interact with each other as peers and address common challenges, pursue joint opportunities, build expertise, and advance the green economy transition. The new GGKP focus also directly contributes to the achievement of numerous Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and in particular, the promotion of sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all (SDG 8).

Source: Green Industry Platform

Region: Global



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Geoffrey Lipman, SUNx Co-founder

