Climate Friendly Travel
Geoffrey Lipman, SUNx Co-founder info@thesunprogram.com
Mark Bibby Jackson explains why Climate Friendly Travel Services (CFTS) has been established to promote SUNx Malta’s SDG-17 partners, and how it can help cities and destinations both develop and implement their Climate Action Plans.
I was talking to my cousin the other day. He has recently started a job helping companies develop their net zero strategies. The problem many of them are facing is that they have no proper baseline for their GHG emissions – they are literally starting at zero on their road to zero.
It is a situation in which many cities and destinations around the world find themselves. The intention is clear and heartfelt, but how do they set upon that journey?
At the same time there are many companies out there that have products and services which can help the cities and destinations travel along their journey, but they have difficulties in reaching their audience.
Zero GHG Future
This is why we have decided to establish Climate Friendly Travel Services (CFTS), a commercial company aligned with SUNx Malta’s core value of CFTS – the belief that climate change is existential and that tourism needs to be at the forefront of that response with real action directly aligned to the Paris 1.5 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), to achieve Zero GHG by 2050.
CFTS helps cities and destinations make their journey towards a Zero GHG future, to get ahead of the climate curve. We act as a matchmaker between SUNx Malta’s SDG-17 partners, and cities and destinations, opening doors and forging business matches.
How Does CFTS Work?
CFTS charges a small annual fee of €1,000 per destination (lower levels for small communities and companies). This provides them with full and continuous access to our advisory service that pulls upon decades of experience working in the area of climate change and its impact upon travel and tourism.
Some 10% of this fee is donated to SUNx’s Strong Climate Champions Program providing scholarships for young community climate leaders from the world’s least developed countries.
Within the SUNx System, initially, cities and destinations join the CFT Registry allowing them to develop their climate and sustainability action plans and display The Climate Friendly Travel (CFT) Eco-Badge.
Then CFTS comes into play. We provide a free consultation with our experts so we understand which products and services from SUNx Malta’s SDG 17 Partners are best suited. These solutions will then be tailored to a customer's specific needs. They then roll out the solution progressively over time to achieve their Climate Friendly Travel goals.
CFTS Partners
CFTS has a wide ranging portfolio of products which we can offer to cities and destinations through SUNx Malta’s current and growing SDG-17 partnerships.
These include free disaster risk assessment focused on climate impacts; downloadable mobile maps showcasing sustainable destinations with commission free direct bookings; energy and waste efficiency measurement and management; sustainability and climate planning support; travel offsetting, through carbon capture and community-based reforestation projects; and solar energy advisory support.
If you wish CFTS to add your services to our portfolio, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for information upon how to join the CFT Registry and/or sign an SDG-17 partnership with SUNx Malta.
Alternatively, to discover more about how CFTS works, visit our website: climatefriendlytravelservices.com.
To schedule a meeting with CFTS, email me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Let us help you deliver on your GHG-free commitments. The road to a Zero GHG future may seem daunting, but at least with our guidance, you don’t have to start at zero.