Climate Friendly Travel
Geoffrey Lipman, SUNx Co-founder info@thesunprogram.com
Mark Bibby Jackson chats with Ged Brown, director of Low Season Traveller, about the series of Climate Friendly Travel Podcasts that will launch next month during COP 27 in Sharm el Sheikh Egypt.
Sometimes the best collaborations stem from the most serendipitous circumstances. Earlier this summer Ged Brown, director of Low Season Traveller, was having lunch with SUNx Malta President Geoffrey Lipman, when it occurred to them that they should work together.
The pair had known each other for 15 years since Ged had worked for Routes, and they had followed each other’s careers. “We are on the same page,” says Ged.
Growth of Podcast
They agreed that although SUNx was doing a lot of good work with its
various programmes, perhaps the message was not being conveyed clearly to as wide an audience as possible. So the pair of old friends came up with the idea of producing a series of Climate Friendly Travel Podcasts to launch in November 2022.
“Our Low Season Traveller podcasts are extremely popular,” says Ged, adding that especially since Covid people have turned towards podcasts for both entertainment and information. In many ways it is replacing the radio.
Ged attributes the increasing popularity of podcasts to us having less time in the modern world. People can listen to a podcast while doing something else, such as commuting to work or going for a jog. Ged himself listens to podcasts while going on his daily morning run. “It allows us to double up our time,” he says.
Climate Friendly Travel Podcasts
Although there are hundreds of travel podcasts out there – including Ged’s own Low Season Traveller podcasts – up to now are devoted to Climate Friendly Travel.
“We are focusing on people in the industry,” says Ged. “We’ll let them shout about the good things they are doing and inspire other people and our listeners.”
Ged strongly believes all of us working within the travel and tourism sector need to share information with one another. Drawing parallels with the aviation industry in which he was working when he first met Geoffrey Lipman, he says that when it comes to the planet and our future existence we all need to share our successes and failures.
“In aviation, every airline works together when it comes to safety,” he says. He hopes that the series of podcasts can serve a similar bonding role within travel and tourism.
Just a Chat
The series is open to anyone who has joined the Climate Friendly Travel Registry (CFTR). Although Ged believes that the audience it will reach will be far wider than a group of industry insiders. The intention will be to focus on the good work that people are doing – “a podcast of hope” is how he describes it.
According to Ged, a large proportion of the people he interviews is understandably nervous before appearing on the podcast, something he tries to allay.
“It’s just a conservation between you and me,” he says, “where I represent the audience.”
It is also very informal. Although mistakes can be edited out, Ged prefers to let things flow, recounting one time when he knocked over a glass of water in a podcast making quite a noise. He kept it in the final recording – “it made it more real and authentic.”
“At the end people always say how much they enjoyed it,” Ged adds.
The Podcasts
Currently Ged is recording the first ten podcasts, starting with Professor Lipman. Other people lined up include CFTR Registrar Hans Friederich, Christian de Boer who will talk about single use plastic, Galeo Saintz on the importance of nature trails, and Nikki Mattei who will discuss sustainable hospitality.
The idea of the podcast is to give voice to anyone who has joined the registry and allow them to share the good work they are doing, although Ged is keen to look for more podcasts from people in Africa and Latin America.
“We are all on a journey towards climate friendly travel,” says Ged. “Baby steps are fine, but if we all take a small step together it will result in a huge leap for climate friendly travel.”
The Climate Friendly Travel Podcast will allow you to inform everyone of the steps you are taking upon your journey towards climate friendly travel.
To get involved in a podcast, contact Ged at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to join the CFT Registry.