Climate Friendly Travel
Geoffrey Lipman, SUNx Co-founder info@thesunprogram.com
DOHA, QATAR, MARCH 7, 2023: SUNx Malta will set up Strong Climate Chapters in all 46 least developed countries (LDCs), plus select small island states. Chapters will work locally to advance SUNx’ ambitious and actionable Climate Friendly Travel (CFT) agenda, which is focused on a Paris 1.5°C target.
SUNx co-founder and president Geoffrey Lipman announced this today at the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5) in Doha, Qatar, during a private sector forum on sustainable tourism.
Climate Friendly Travel via travel-friendly climate action
“We have a clear view of the way forward for travel & tourism to respond to the ‘code red’ climate crisis identified by the UN and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,” Professor Lipman said.
“It is both ambitious and actionable and will help those countries grow tourism, while containing related greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), mainly through securing adequate supplies of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).
“LDCs have done the least to create the climate crisis, are among the most vulnerable, and need tourism to lift them out of poverty.
“It is imperative for LDCS to secure decent standards of living for their citizens.
“‘Clean and green’ Climate Friendly Travel can provide that.”
SUNx is working towards having Strong Climate Chapters operating in all 46 LDCs and select small island states by September 2023, with each headed by a Strong Climate Champion Leader.
Their main goal will be to advance a CFT culture, encompassing communities, companies, and consumers.
Chapters will also advance the idea of a “Plan B” to grow Climate Friendly Travel while peaking GHG emissions by 2025, as called for by the IPCC, if we are to achieve the Paris 1.5°C target by 2050.
Champions are enrolled in the Diploma in CFT delivered by the Institute of Tourism Studies Malta in partnership with SUNx.
More than 50 full scholarships have been awarded to young people from LDCs since the Diploma was first launched in 2020.
Strong Climate Chapters will use SUNx’ Plan B template, adapting it to their destinations’ specific circumstances.
SUNx’ Plan B for CFT includes a spectrum of tangible goals from micro actions to macro advocacy and much in between.
Micro actions include relatively easy, inexpensive, and/or cost-saving initiatives, such as changing light bulbs, reducing plastic use, and sourcing local products; sharing good practice from across SUNx’ steadily growing global network.
Macro advocacy will include lobbying for adequate supplies of SAF, investments in next-generation transportation infrastructure, and climate justice.
Strong Climate Friendly Travel Chapters will be further supported by SUNx’ CFT Registry and CFT Portal of tools and resources so that they can offer tangible value to their local travel & tourism stakeholders, showing how to grow and prosper in a sustainable, climate-friendly way.
About SUNx Malta - Strong Universal Network
SUNx Malta is a legacy for the late Maurice Strong, father of sustainable development. Its goal is to advance Climate Friendly Travel (CFT) ~ low carbon: SDG linked: Paris 1.5.
SUNx has a core partnership with Malta’s Ministry of Tourism & Consumer Protection and Malta Tourism Authority to advance CFT, to create a UNFCCC-linked CFT Registry, and to promote CFT Education. It plans to put in place 100,000 Strong Climate Champions by 2030 across all UN states.