Climate Friendly Travel
Geoffrey Lipman, SUNx Co-founder info@thesunprogram.com
Climate Justice shouldn't be too hard. It's the right thing to do.
There is increasing chatter on social media about the need for Climate Justice - at its core, ensuring a very strong measure of protection for those who did the least to create the Code Red Climate Crisis: are likely to be the most to suffer and cannot afford to adapt effectively. This means LDCs (Least Developed States) and SIDS (Small Island Developing States). To be fair this has always been a core policy of the environment movement.
In 1971 half a century ago Maurice Strong flew to India to persuade Madame Ghandi the leader of the Group of 77 to attend the first Earth Summit the following year in Stockholm, and as he put it “To make it a success and help save our Planet” Strong had a very clear view of Climate Justice.
In UNFCCC discourse the idea of ‘CBDR” Common But Differentiated Responsibilities’ is at the core of all Climate Action – meaning the biggest polluters pay the price (Given that LDC and SIDS together are responsible for less than 1% of GHG - it’s a fundamental necessity for any kind of global accord.)
At SUNx Malta these poor countries are our priority focus – and have been since we made what they call an ‘Announcement’ at LDC5 last year in Doha – “to pivot to the poorest”. We are delivering on this:-
Finally intensifying our support for Tourism Climate Justice with :-
A call for massive increases in Tourism Adaptation Finance – in proportion to the huge subsidies still given for fossil fuel exploration. The rich countries must provide the money they have been promising
A demand for recognition of “Essential Air Services” modelled on the US small cities support and the UK Scottish Islands support – with guarantees of priority SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) Tourism to small islands is only possible by air – a core lifeline for survival
A targeted promotion to climate conscious travellers with discount hotel and entertainment from companies in these states: as well as Plan B support.
These kind of actions are clearly the humanly right, morally right, things to do. So let’s do more of it. Please join our Climate Friendly Travel Community - it’s free - and help us fight the good fight.