4th Annual SEYS (Strong Earth Youth Summit)


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Supporting Small Islands Through Climate Friendly Travel


Goal of SEYS:

  • To strengthen the “Clean & Green” spirit that Maurice Strong showed half a century ago, when he launched the UN Climate & Sustainability Framework.
  • To highlight the role of young leaders in building a global Climate Friendly Travel System.
  • To reaffirm our Pledge to support the World’s Poorest Small Islands in Climate Resilience and Emission Reduction.



  • Leslie Vella to launch the SEYS and talk about Malta, SUNx and CFT (7 mins).
  • SUNx System video (2 mins)
  • Geoffrey Lipman to moderate (5 mins).
  • Presentations (4-5 minutes each) from 5 students on ‘Challenges to bringing Climate Friendly Travel to their home countries’ - Students chosen will be from Small Islands in the Asia Pacific and the Caribbean (Bali - Suzy, Fiji - Hudson, St Vincent - Faylene, Sri Lanka).
  • CFT Panel:
  1. Paris 1.5 – Olly (5 mins)
  2. SDGs - Felix Dodds (5 mins)
  3. Nature Positive – Hans (5 mins)
  4. CFT Club - Ged Brown (5 mins)
  5. 20-25 minutes Q&A after the presentation.
  • Winners of Strong Earth Awards will be announced by Jocelin Favre Bulle and Geoffrey Lipman with the winners being invited to participate in Les Roches’ Shiftin’ festival.


SEYS is an annual tribute to Maurice Strong, climate activist for over 50 years and Secretary General of the first "Earth Summit" in 1972 and second Earth Summit in 1992. The event, organized by SUNx Malta (Strong Universal Network) will highlight the need for a clean and green future for tourism, in line with Maurice's vision, Paris 1.5, SDG-linked and Nature Positive.



 SUNx Malta is a legacy for the late Maurice Strong, father of sustainable development. Its goal is to advance Climate Friendly Travel (CFT) ~ Paris 1.5, SDG-linked and Nature Positive. SUNx is supported by Malta’s Ministry of Tourism and Malta Tourism Authority, to advance CFT, to create a UNFCCC-linked CFT Registry, and to promote CFT Education. It plans to put in place 100,000 Strong Climate Champions across all UN States by 2030





Link for registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/4th-annual-strong-earth-youth-summit-seys-tickets-830441792757?aff=erelexpmlt

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Climate Friendly Travel



Geoffrey Lipman, SUNx Co-founder info@thesunprogram.com

