We have been preparing a proof-of-concept Plan B Framework for the iconic Indonesian Tourism Centre of Bali. Fortunately, we have had active Diploma Students, already well integrated into the Tourism framework of the island, and an earlier in-depth study by Victoria University Australia to guide us. Our local partners include Ecotourism Bali and Udayana University who bring a very practical dimension, based on Balinese realities and experience.In this process, our CFT Services team conducts an AI-assisted search of key challenges and opportunities in relation to Paris 1.5: most relevant SDGs and Nature positive solutions.At the same time our CFT Club is looking at potential market flows focused on the graduate climate-conscious travellers, while developing a local market special promotion and reward points framework.We hope the result will provide a helpful structure for action by all the relevant stakeholders, giving a strong basis for Climate Friendly Travel development.