Welcome to the SUN Malta Registry for Climate Friendly Travel - Low Carbon, SDG Linked, Paris 1.5 Trajectory

With the support of Malta’s Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protection, Julia Farrugia Portelli, who has declared her country to be a global centre of Climate Friendly Travel – low carbon: SDG linked: Paris 1.5 trajectory. we are deploying tools to help the entire sector in its essential transformation.( see below)

We are linking with partners inside and outside the sector in SDG 17 Agreements to advance Climate Friendly Travel and we are seeking other likeminded partners to help reinforce and spread the message. Our launch partner is WTTC.

Travel & Tourism stakeholders engage by:-

Making a positive commitment to the principles of Climate Friendly Travel.

Taking advantage of the range of support services we are putting in place with the Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS) Malta.

SUNx Malta Support System

The key tool & entry point is the SUNx Malta Climate Neutral Ambitions Registry

The idea of declaring Climate Neutral 2050 Carbon Reduction Plans, and stretching Ambitions over time, is central to the Paris Accord regime. States who are Parties to the Accord have all filed Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) to the global Plan. Companies & Communities are doing the same and registering these with UNFCCC to show their commitments publicly.

SUNx Malta is building a compatible Registry for Travel & Tourism companies: communities & consumers. It links to the UN Registry.

Stakeholders commit to Climate Neutral 2050 & a Climate Friendly Travel carbon reduction program:

  • Measuring travel related carbon footprint – including supply chain
  • Committing to reduce it to zero by 2050
  • Setting out a plan, with targets and operational actions, to achieve this

File the plan on SUNx Malta’s Climate Neutral Ambitions Registry and update it annually.

Engage bright young green collaborators to keep it up to date and keep you on track

In addition, working with ITS, we will provide a variety of online framework support as follows:-

Innovation Hub

A database of good practice to provide inspiration.

Strategy Hub

Online support for transformation programs and policies

Visibility Hub

Visibility and online marketing through SDG- 17 partners.

Learning Hub

Our Climate Friendly Travel Diploma offers distance learning for Travel & Tourism, as well as residential programs at ITS Gozo campus.

It is specifically focussed on alignment with the Paris 1.5 target and relevant SDGs. It will be launched in October 2020 as an online course taught over 12 months with a subsequent 12-month placement.

It is intended for students and professionals looking to develop careers in the Sustainability divisions of the industry and government.

This is a key element of our commitment to put in place 100,000 STRONG Climate Champions across all UN states by 2030.

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To express your support for our BEND THE TREND initiative, please leave your details below and we will keep you informed.

Climate Friendly Travel Commitment

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Climate Friendly Travel



Geoffrey Lipman, SUNx Co-founder info@thesunprogram.com

